This is supposed to be the new nerf mystery blaster coming out on 9-9-10.
Nerf says that it will be the best blaster released to that date.
This blaster you see above is one of the many guesses as to what the new gun is.
This blaster has confirmed nerf symbols such as nerf and n-strike.
Some names:
- Big Blast
- Stampede ECS-50
- Stealth ACS-18
- or the 9-9-10 gun
Very versitile for use as a light machine gun!
- No known attachments fit this weapon
- 18 clip system strait magazine
- Automatic fire (contains 6D batteries)
- 6 tactial rails
- dart check
Weapon is confirmed as seen in a later post but it has yet to be officialy packeged
ebay hyperlink:http://cgi.ebay.com/Nerf-Long-Ammo-18-Dart-Clip-RARE-/300441585138?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item45f3b6c5f2
Weapon picture is credited from SGNerf